
The ACT Government is investing in public education, so every local school is a great school.

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Every child in Canberra has access to a great public school close to home. The ACT Government is investing record amounts in ACT public schools to meet current and future education needs.

As Canberra continues to grow, the ACT Government is building new public schools and upgrading education facilities across Canberra. This means people moving to new suburbs and growing regions can access public education close to where they live.

Every ACT public school has improvements every year including upgrades to ensure inclusive facilities so all students can take full advantage of educational opportunities.

Local families in Gungahlin, Strathnairn, Narrabundah and Garran will benefit from new and improved school infrastructure.

Aunty Agnes Shea High School in Taylor, north Gungahlin will open for the 2025 school year, and a new primary (P-6) school and Early Childhood Education Centre in Strathnairn, Ginninderry will open in 2026.

Major infrastructure projects to modernise facilities and better meet the learning needs of communities include the Garran Primary School and Narrabundah College modernisation projects.

The ACT Government is also investing in vocational education and training by building a contemporary and sustainable CIT campus in the heart of Woden.

When completed, CIT Campus - Woden will support up to 6,500 students to learn each year. The campus will prepare Canberrans with the skills and training required for tomorrow's careers.

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