New northside hospital project

Decorative image related to the New northside hospital project project

Key stats


More than $1 billion

Project status

  • Planning and Design

  • Community Engagement

  • Under Construction

  • Expected Project Completion

To respond to Canberra’s growing and ageing population and the increasing demand for health care services, the ACT Government is building a new northside hospital in Bruce.

The new northside hospital represents an investment of more than $1 billion and will be the largest single health infrastructure project to be delivered in the Territory’s history.

The new northside hospital will be built on the existing North Canberra Hospital campus in Bruce. It will be owned by the ACT Government and operated by Canberra Health Services, delivering a more efficient and effective health system for Canberrans. It will be a modern, state-of-the-art hospital for patients, visitors and its workforce. It will provide more beds and increased services than are currently offered.


The ACT Government’s vision is for a person-centred health system that is accessible, accountable, and sustainable. There are many benefits for public hospitals in the ACT to be managed under one operator such as easier transition and management of patients between sites and greater opportunities to strengthen and build our health workforce.

Transitioning operations of the hospital to Canberra Health Services creates an opportunity to plan and deliver a health system networked under one provider – with the ability to make the largest ACT Government health infrastructure investment, strengthen workforce opportunities and co-ordinate services.

With construction to commence by mid-decade, the northside hospital will provide public health services to Canberrans for decades to come.

Where are we now

Planning and design of the new hospital is being led by Major Projects Canberra in partnership with ACT Health and Canberra Health Services, and a team of specialist consultants. It is a collaborative process involving clinicians and operational staff, patient groups, local stakeholders and the community.

Construction of the new northside hospital is expected to commence mid-decade for construction completion in 2030.

The project lifecycle below identifies the key steps within each phase of the project.

A lifecycle wheel infographic of the Northside Hospital Project.

Community Consultation

Building a new contemporary facility requires thoughtful planning and consultation to ensure it meets the needs of staff, clinicians, patients, community members and visitors, now and for years to come.

The ACT Government is committed to working closely with the community, stakeholders, consumers, and our workforce to ensure health facilities are designed to meet the needs of Canberrans now and into the future.

There will be significant opportunity for the community to provide their feedback on the design and construction of the new northside hospital.

Initial consultation undertaken in late 2022 has delivered 11 key themes to guide early project planning. Special interest groups, hospital user groups and communities will be able to provide input into the design at various project milestones.

For more information on previous community consultation, visit the YourSay website.

Get in contact

For more information or to get in touch with us, email

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